How can you tell if a hair product has expired?

Spring cleaning is coming up fast! It’s time to sort your hair products! Can you use that blue shampoo that reminds you of your vacation in the 2010? Sorry to tell you that it is unfortunately expired and maybe even bad for you! Read this article to learn more!  ! 

Know how to identify the expiry date with the logo on the back of your products. Once opened, you will see the number of months left before it expires. It's as simple as that!


Find out if the product has expired...with your senses !

Can't remember the month you opened your hair product? Rely on your senses. A hair product that forms a deposit (unless it is biphasic), changes colour with time, or has a different texture since its use is not a good sign! If you also notice that its delicate scent is now a stench, you will have to get rid of it. 


The risks of using an expired product 

An allergic reaction may occur depending on the hair product's components and your skin. It can even be severe depending on sensitivity or ingredients. This is not to scare you, but if you want to avoid any reactions (itching, irritation, etc.), do not use any expired products. 


What to do with your containers?

Recycle your expired shampoo and conditioner bottles by giving them a second life! You can create a pencil jar or a vase for your makeup brushes by cutting off one end and painting them. It’s the perfect time opportunity to do an activity with your children on rainy days. It’s that simple! !


Now that you’ve sorted out your hair products, take advantage of this beautiful spring day to sort out your...shed! Oh well. Good luck!