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Lash Tite Lash Accessory Dark

Market price: 7.99$
Stick with me! This Lashtite® Adhesive dries dark, is easy to apply, and designed for use with DuraLash Individual lashes. This lash adhesive is waterproof and ensures that lashes remain securely and comfortably attached, day after day, for up to 2 weeks!
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Stick with me! This Lashtite® Adhesive dries dark, is easy to apply, and designed for use with DuraLash Individual lashes. This lash adhesive is waterproof and ensures that lashes remain securely and comfortably attached, day after day, for up to 2 weeks!

1. Before applying lashes, thoroughly clean your natural eyelashes and eyelids so they are completely makeup and oil free. 2. Pour 2-3 drops of adhesive onto small piece of foil. Tightly close bottle to prevent spills or drying out of adhesive. 3. Gently remove lashes from tray using tweezers near knotted end and pull from tray. Dip knotted end of lash into adhesive. 4. Place lash on top of your natural lash with the knotted end as close to your eyelid as possible. Apply more lashes for desired look.

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