Billy, Eléganza beauty expert

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YouthLock Shampoo

Market price: 25.99$
Infusing ageless body, shine, manageability, and bounce, YouthLock Shampoo revitalizes hair with the power of collagen and Buriti fruit oil ? a nourishing, one-two punch that recaptures the joi-ful feel and look of lush, lively, timeless hair. Gentle enough to use daily, this sulfate-free cleanser purifies hair of dirt and grime, while delivering reduced hair fall and big-time shine for the ages.
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Infusing ageless body, shine, manageability, and bounce, YouthLock Shampoo revitalizes hair with the power of collagen and Buriti fruit oil ? a nourishing, one-two punch that recaptures the joi-ful feel and look of lush, lively, timeless hair. Gentle enough to use daily, this sulfate-free cleanser purifies hair of dirt and grime, while delivering reduced hair fall and big-time shine for the ages.

Apply to wet hair, massage into a lather and rinse.

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